Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Modelling Head Topology Lines

The next stage is to add the topology lines to the face which will form a map of the face. This can be done by using a smaller brush and zooming in on the picture to get a close view of where the lines should go.

This is the first attempt at this task as it is a very difficult one to get right. The only problem areas are around the nose and cheeks. There are also a number of triangle shapes which will make the 3D very difficult to do; all shapes must have four sides to it.

Taking this as a first draft and restarting a different way, by drawing the outlines first then filling in the detail as I move along. Also by using a thinner brush I can more easily see the lines I should follow instead.

Now the lines I have drawn are much thinner I can clearly see unwanted triangle shapes and how to get rid of them more easily. The nose now also has much more detail and all the lines join up, rather than a few that starts and stop abruptly.

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