Now it is time to move onto the nose, to start zoom in so that you can see the hole in the nose very clearly. Select the outer lines around the nostril while in editable poly mode, hold the shift key and use the scale button to draw out new polygons. Select vertex mode again and drag the vertex over to the side that you did not extract new polygons from; this will form a basic hole for the nostril.
Next select the polygon option in edit poly mode and click on the create button. Now you can create one or two polygons over the newly made hole for the nostril by dragging around the vertex from corner to corner.
Select these new polygons and click the extrude button, this will allow you to move these polygons up the nose, creating the nostril.
Some tweaking around the nostril needs to be done to make it look more like a nostril rather than a hole in the head. The mask can then be turbo smoothed so that you can see what it looks like. In turbo smooth mode it is sometimes easier to see what lines need to be moved and where.
Now that the basic nostril is done I can now start on the lips, using roughly the same techniques used to create the nostril. First select the lines around the mouth, missing off the lines at the edges. Once again hold the shift key and use the scale button to draw out new polygons. Move these polygons around so that you can see them better individually.
Next take the corners, using the snap tool to move the vertices onto the vertex at the corner of the mouth. This will make the half-moon shape of the mouth.
Now the lines around the mouth are smooth they can be shaped to look like lips. This is done by moving the vertices around, in an upward and outward direction. This makes the lips look a little more 3D dimensional.
The small dip, between the nose and the lips is also easily created. Simply take the line of vertices and move them backwards slightly. The vertices next to it can then be moved outward slightly to show the bump between the nose and lips.
Now for the eyes, select the lines around the eyes and just like with the nose and mouth, hold the shift key and use the scale tool to draw out new polygons. Switch to vertex mode and select the vertices at the top of the eye and move them out slightly to form the top eyelid. Select the bottom row of vertices and move them out slightly to form the bottom eyelid.
The corners are a little more difficult. The same technique, holding down the shift key using the move button instead can draw out the new polygons. These polygons however are only moved out a little, to form a V shape connecting the bottom eyelid to the top eyelid.