Friday, 7 October 2011

Reference Setup

The next stage in the head modelling is to set up the pictures of my face with all of the reference lines in 3DS max. To do this, planes must be created for the pictures to be placed on. In the material editor choose the bitmap option and select the image for reference. Once the image has been placed on the plane, in the modify panel select gizmo and it will allow the plane to be copied by pressing shift and rotating the plane.

 The side view then needs to be flipped so that the head is facing the correct way. This can be done by going to the modify panel – plane – gizmo and check the box marked “Flip” next to the u tile selection.

 The quality of the images is very fuzzy and the topology lines are unclear to follow. To clear the pictures we need to go to customize – preferences – viewports, then select the configure driver option down the bottom. Next check the boxes that say match bitmap as closely as possible. In the material editor click on the map, where the picture has been selected and click reload which will reload the image in better quality.

The reference planes are now setup but before moving on to the next stage the planes must be frozen so that they can’t be selected by accident. To do this right click on the plane and chose object properties, then check the freeze box and un-check the show frozen in grey box. This will ensure that the plane cannot be selected and the image can still be seen.

Now this is ready for the next stage.

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