Friday, 18 November 2011

UVW Map Ear

The next part is to get the UVW co-ordinates for the ear. To start turn off the checker pattern and then go back into face mode in the UVW map. Select the paint brush and select all of the faces on the ear. Rotate the head around to make sure that all of the faces on the ear are selected.

Go to the planar option then click on fit so that the planar fits around the ear. Next move over to the pelt option which will stretch out the faces on the ear. Click on point to point seam and draw a line from one point to the other on the ear. In the pelt edit map move the out ring of lines around so that they are pulling in the right direction.

Then click on start pelt to pull apart the ear, making it flat, then click on start relax if there are a few overlapping layers. Move any points that are still overlapping then put the checker material back on.

Open up the edit mode again under the parameters section, filter the selected faces and scale down the size of the ear if it is too big.

Try to match it up with the head by showing the head selection as well. Once the sizing is complete move the selection down to the corner of the edit UVW viewport. Check for overlapping and inverted faces in the selection drop down list and move the points around if any are found.

Close down the edit UVW viewport and then turn symmetry back on. You can now see that it is the same both sides.

After re-applying the symmetry, add another unwrap uvw modifier on top of the symmetry and then go into edit mode. This allows you to do both at the same time. Click on the select element box then select the face. This should select the other side of the face.

Click on mirror and drag it off to the side facing the first half of the face. line up the faces as close as possible.

Move down the seam separating the two faces and weld them together. These can be welded by holding control and pressing w.

Next select the ear on the same side that the head was mirrored and move it over to the same side as the face it’s attached to.

Click on options and change the bitmap options width to 512 to create a 2:1 ratio.

Go to the free form tool to scale it down so that the uvw map fits inside the box. This can now be rendered into an image to be used as a guide in Photoshop. This can be done by going to tools, render uvw template and change the width to 2048 to keep in the 2:1 ratio. Uncheck the seam edges and then render the image.

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