Saturday, 5 November 2011

UVW Mapping

This next stage is to create a UVW map for the created head. First off go to the UVW Mapping option in the modifier panel, making sure that turbo smooth and symmetry are turned off. In the drop down list for UVW mapping select the face option and uncheck the box marked ‘ignore Backfacing’.

Next select the paint brush tool and hold down the shift key and select all of the polygons, except the ones on and around the ear.

Next go to the map parameters and click on the cylindrical button. Set the alignment by clicking on align z axis, this puts the cylinder around the head.

Next add a checker map to the face which will make it easier to see the texture co-ordinates and make sure that you can see it in the viewport by clicking on the show standard map in viewport. With the checker pattern you can see a few stretch marks, so click on the edit button under the parameters section in UVW map.

Make sure that all of the faces are selected on the face, excluding the ear and then click on the filter button in the edit parameters box. Next click on the options panel and uncheck the box labelled tile bitmap and make sure to check the constant update box. This will show the changes being made in the main viewport.

Next de-select the face and go to the select drop down box and select inverted faces. If there is mostly inverted faces mirror the face, if not move the face to the side and scale it to make it fill the first half of the box.

Next select vertex mode, then select areas of the map and use the relax tool from the tools drop down list. Select areas and click the apply button to relax the vertices around the map.

For the eye zoom in and select the two inner rows, instead of relax by edge angles select relax by centres. This breaks up the layers in a ring stopping them from overlapping. Use the scale tool to scale these down a little then select edge. Click on one of the edges on the outer circle and click loop to select all of the edges around the ring. Use the scale tool to make this circle bigger and spread the polygons out a little more.

Use the same technique for the nose then move around the head relaxing all of the problem areas. Go to the select drop down list and select overlapped faces to check for overlapped faces. If there are any move these vertices around so they no longer overlap. Check in the main viewport and relax problem areas.

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